Sunday, November 15, 2009

I bet you a dollar...

Here goes folks. I've been having trouble finding the time, motivation, and to be perfectly honest, stories or topics that people want to read. This came to me last night while laying in bed, trying to get to sleep.

Last night, we witnessed the #CoEMS ( Tweetup at Gordon Biersch in San Fran. We witnessed an EPIC arm-wrestle between Chris Kaiser (@ckemtp) and Mark Glencorse (@ukmedic999). I bet 25$ on Mark, to go to #CoEMS, to go on top of the 25$ I donated last week.

Suddenly (jokingly?), there was bets everywhere, for everything. I think at one point somebody put up 10$ to see Mark's bicep again, 10$ for @setla to undo one of somebody's shirt-buttons, and somebody offered another 50$ to see someone's shirt come off.

Regardless of the shenannigans and horsing around... Here's my challenge.

Are you a betting person? Challenge the other person you're betting with to put the money laid down towards supporting #CoEMS. They have a great agenda, and not much time and money to achieve it in. We're less than a week away from Justin ('s trip overseas to join Mark Glencorse ( for a week-long rideout with the NHS like Mark has been doing here with SFFD for the past week.

So off I go to paypal to honour last night's bet. I was willing to lose that 25$ regardless if Mark won the arm-wrestle or not... I might as well lose it to a good cause!

The paypal link on is broken at the moment, but I think if you log in, and send the money via, it should get to the right place.

EDIT: Just called Ted Setla, and he says until he fixes the button, which should be in the next hour or so, this will work just fine.

Don't forget to follow them on twitter:
Don't forget to "fanpage" them on facebook:
Don't forget to keep supporting initiatives like this that are shaping up to be a HUGE positive for our industry.

It's time to re-shape minds, do what's best for our patients their families; A new generation of medics and new ideas are coming to EMS, and rather than ignore them until they're forgotten or lost in the chaos, we should pay attention to them and see if there's good to come of it at all. We can learn from those before us, and learn from those to come after us.

1 comment:

  1. How is this for a bet, check out get up and move a site where you can use twitter to bet people push ups in exchange for doing work yourself.
